Who we are
We are an independent Brazilian group, specialized in the development of smart consumption Digitally Native Brands.

Our Story
It was the blog Tudo Orna, created in 2010 by the Brazilian, Alcantara sisters, responsible for starting what would become the ORNA Group. With a background in Design and Public Relations, the sisters used their expertise and communication to bring to life the digitally native brands ORNA (2014) and ORNA Makeup (2016), which would later become ORNA Formula (2019). The EFEITO ORNA education project (2017) was born later, with the aim of democratizing access to entrepreneurship education and has more than 3500 students from 40 countries. ORNA Cafe (2018) was born as ORNA’s offline experience, as a collaborative space between creative and streamlined.
The history of ORNA Group is driven by the purpose that collaborating is greater than competing.

EFEITO ORNA is a Digital Educational Program that qualifies entrepreneurs and professionals to assume their active role in the market.

Timeless accessories handmade in Brazil.

The perfect balance between nature and technology.

For those who are looking for creativity, focus, courage and good coffee.